Collin Collin

Overcoming Leash Pulling

When your dog pulls while on a walk, you may ask several questions. Am I too slow? Are they too excited? Are they trying to establish dominance over me and take over? While the first two questions may be factual, your dog is not pulling because they want to achieve dominance. They simply want to explore and cover a larger area than us humans typically do. The only surefire way to stop this behavior is to avoid walking altogether, but that is not something that is recommended. There are too many benefits to getting outside with your loved ones to let a behavior such as pulling get in the way. 

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Collin Collin

Pet Safety and Holiday Party Tips

The holidays can be stressful for humans and pets alike. The anxiety that arises with visitors coming and going, making and changing of plans, and end of the year bustling can be overwhelming. If you’re planning to have a party or gathering at your home, it’s important to consider your pets' safety. There’s a few things we can do to help them be extra comfortable and safe while entertaining guests or having family over for an extended stay.

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Collin Collin

Toxic Indoor plants

With the holiday season coming up, many plants can make their way into your home by way of decoration or gifts. Many of them can be harmful to your pets if swallowed and some if touched. If the unthinkable happens, pet parents have options. The best option is to call your veterinarian. If that option is unavailable the Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661) or Animal Poison Control (888-426-4435) are available.

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Collin Collin

Puppy Socialization: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

When getting a puppy the greatest time frame for learning starts at 3 weeks and ends between 16-20 weeks. This is time they can be exposed to an array of sights, sounds, and smells without becoming afraid. Puppies who don’t experience these sensations never learn to be comfortable around unfamiliar surroundings and may have aggressive tendencies.

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Collin Collin

Which Vaccinations Does Your Dog Need?

Going to the vet repeatedly over several months for vaccinations, and then for boosters throughout your dog’s life, may seem like an inconvenience, but the diseases that vaccinations will protect your pets from are dangerous, potentially deadly, and, thankfully, mostly preventable. We read about so many different vaccinations, for so many different illnesses, that it can be confusing to know which vaccinations puppies need and which ones are important but optional.

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Collin Collin

Bullitt the Magician

What happens with a silly pup is left alone with chicken wings? Bullitt the Magician finds a way to make them magically disappear. Chicken bones can be quite dangerous and you should watch your dog very closely!

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Collin Collin

Are You a Dog or Cat Person?

Mary Bly was once quoted as saying, “Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later.” Some find dogs to be lazy, while others find them loyal. Some find cats to be independent, while others find them aloof. Whatever your perspective, there seems to be a consistent theme in the differences between dogs and cats, as well as in dog people and cat people. While it is possible to love both (I do!), most people seem to be either a dog or a cat person. So why is that? What makes us more drawn to a cat over a dog or a dog over a cat? The answer is simple; you find the animal that best suits YOU! 

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Collin Collin

Lawn Safety- Chemical Applications

Most pet owners know the ins and outs of their property pretty well. They know where to avoid that stubborn hole and where the ant hills have taken over. What pet owners don't know are the ins and outs of other yards. If you and your pet regularly leave for outings,there could be other unseen dangers to be precautious about, specifically lawn treatments. Certain fertilizers, insecticides or weed killers can go unnoticed and be potentially harmful to your pet if found at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Collin Collin

Pros and Cons of Electronic Pet doors

Electronic pet doors can offer a wide variety of access options. Some work with a tag implanted in the pet and others work with a tag inside a collar, either magnet or RFID. Some newer doors can actually detect if your pet is holding something in their mouth and bar access. You should consider an electronic door for pets that need or want to go in and out at will. But since your dog or cat may be outside when you are not home to supervise, you’ll need to make sure he is safe in his own backyard.

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Collin Collin

Tips for Smooth Cat Introductions

Have you ever seen a sweet little face at the shelter that you couldn’t say no to? From fostering to adoption, integrating your new furry friend into your household can be an exciting - but often stressful - experience. Cats are especially prone to stress and agitation when introduced to a new environment, so it is important to pay attention to any signs that might indicate agitation.

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Collin Collin

Pet Friendly Recipes

We love our pets and it gives us joy to spoil them endlessly with our love and of course, healthy treats! Here are some good recipes to give our fur babies something they can enjoy with us everyday. It’s always important to consider your pets diet and any restrictions before giving new food. These treats are not intended as a replacement for regular daily meals.

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Collin Collin

Caring for your Aging Dog

Our dogs love us for their entire lives and we are blessed to have them as part of ours for just a short amount of time.  Providing proper care as your dog ages enriches their lives and makes their later years just as fun as puppyhood.  Just like humans, dogs age similarly:  their hair turns gray, eyesight and hearing start to fade, arthritis sets in, and incontinence may occur.

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Collin Collin

How Long Have Dogs Been Mans’ Best Friend? 

Thanks to modern molecular dating and evolutionary chronologies, we know that humanity’s relationship with dogs stretches back thousands of years. How far, exactly? According to anthropologists, it is likely that Homo sapiens and canines developed a mutually beneficial relationship approximately 30,000-40,000 years ago.

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Collin Collin

Pet Loss and Pet Grief

There are a few moments in life that really knock the wind from your sails. One of them is definitely the death of a pet. No matter the length of time they’re with us, we are left wholly changed when they leave. Whether it was unexpected, or a planned passing, the grief is still very real and something we are left searching for answers and meaning for a longtime. Both of us have personally had pets pass away over the years, and it never gets easier. 

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Collin Collin

Cat Assistance Team - Sedalia and Cat Rescues

Sedalia, MO is fortunate to have many wonderful nonprofits that call it home. The Cat Assistance Team- Sedalia (C.A.T.S.), is an established non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping injured, sick, and homeless animals in the town and surrounding area. Rescuing animals is not for the faint of heart and requires an extensive amount of time and resources to find loving adopters. From dealing with injured animals, to looking for continual funding opportunities, there is always work to be done. 

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Collin Collin

Five Cat Myths, Debunked

Cats have been the subject of our reverence and adoration for millennia, yet we humans still have a tough time deciphering their unique wants and needs. It is up to us as pet parents to put the research into understanding our kitties’ well being, which includes rethinking popular cat stereotypes. Did you believe in any of these feline fables? 

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Collin Collin

The Ozark Empire Fair and Your Pet

The Ozark Empire Fair has been an Ozarks tradition for over 80 years!  Perhaps you remember enjoying one of the small jugs of root beer with a little plastic monkey attached or eating a funnel cake covered in powdered sugar.  Maybe you enjoy memories of riding the Himalaya while Metalica blasted in your ears or maybe a more peaceful ride on the Rainbow was more your speed.  Does the smell of the livestock exhibitions bring back memories of watching that new calf being born?  Remember escaping the heat with a KTTS fan on a little wooden stick?  Whatever memories you have of fairs past, this year’s fair is sure to create new memories for generations to come.  

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Collin Collin

Raw Diets for Pets: Things to Consider

Every pet parent wonders: am I feeding my pet high quality, nutritious food? There are hundreds of kibbles on the market to choose from, each promoting their own special formula and ingredients. Veterinarian Ian Billinghurst describes a raw diet as an “evolutionary diet based on what canines ate before they became domesticated.” In essence, raw diets are meant to provide cats and dogs with a fresh primal diet based on evolutionary eating habits. 

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Collin Collin

Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

Incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. So if your dog is incontinent, it means they are not even aware they are urinating. This incontinence occurs often in places where pets are resting (like in their bed or on the couch), and it tends to be a normal or large amount of urine.

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Collin Collin

Dogs in the Workplace

Would you love to take your dog to work with you? Scientists are studying the benefits to our mental and physical health from having dogs or other pets in the workplace. A 2021 study found that having dogs in the workplace “has a positive influence on individual and collective well-being of organizational members in an office environment.” (Wagnar & Pina e Cunha 2021).

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