Collin Collin

2022 Pet Friendly Events in Springfield

One of the joys of living in Springfield are the outdoor events and festivals that happen throughout the year. Attending an outdoor event is even better with your favorite furry friend.  Bringing your dog to a pet friendly public event provides many benefits to your dog.  

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Collin Collin

Summer Safety For Your Dog

Summer is a great time to be outdoors and to have fun with friends, family, and our dogs. It also means we need to be more vigilant for signs of heat stress and heat exhaustion. While you may be ready for longer walks in the park, hikes, or bike rides, your pup may not be conditioned or ready for that.

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Collin Collin

Springfield, MO Local Pet Stores

Creating a healthy and happy life for your pet doesn’t have to be difficult. Having a connection with a local pet store can make that task much simpler. Local pet stores offer a variety of products to pet owners whether your loved one is a dog, cat, bird, or fish. When you visit a local shop, you can see the products close up, touch them, and even give them a sniff. Have you ever ordered an item online only to be disappointed when it arrived at your door?

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Collin Collin

How to Address Separation Anxiety

There continues to be a troubling trend in pet ownership, and it’s not getting better. 2020 saw us all staying home more, and with our pets almost 24/7. It also saw a record number of people acquire their first pet. While this was a wonderful time for bonding, and our dogs definitely loved it, now that we are out more, our dogs are left at home alone and confused. We’ve been seeing an increase in signs of separation anxiety in pets, both young and old. While it may seem adorable that your dog wants to always be around you and whines when you leave, separation anxiety is no joke and definitely impacts both your and your pets quality of life. 

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Collin Collin

Flea and Tick Prevention

There are few things more frustrating than dealing with a flea infestation, and ticks aren’t any fun either. Unfortunately, preventing and treating fleas can be time consuming and expensive, however fleas and ticks cause lots of health issues in pets. The best way to alleviate this itchy frustration, is to prevent a flea or tick infestation from happening in the first place, by treating your environment and your pet.

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Collin Collin

Dog Bite Prevention Week

This week is Dog Bite Prevention Week. Dog bites pose a serious threat to children and adults alike. There are over 85 million dogs in the US and 38% of homes have at least one dog as a survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association calculates. It is estimated there are over 4.5 million dog bites in the US each year. Nearly 800,000 are serious enough to require medical attention according to the CDC.

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Collin Collin

Active Dog Month

Did you know April is Active Dog Month? It’s a month all about enjoying spring and getting active with your furry best friend! Created in 2018, Active Dog Month strives to get dog owners motivated to shake off the winter blues. We get a bit bored after freezing all winter and April brings the warm temperatures we need to get outside.

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Collin Collin

Lost and Found Dogs

Panic sets in the moment you realize your dog is missing! Your thoughts start to fumble over what to do next as your heart races. Where do you start? What do you do first? Quick thinking and remaining calm, along with taking the steps below, can give you a better chance of bringing your beloved dog home. 

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Collin Collin

What to do if you are approached by an off leash dog

Encountering an unleashed dog while walking your own dog can be unsettling and unfortunately quite common. While leash laws, and requirements to keep your dog contained in a yard, are typically required by most municipal and state laws, it can be difficult to enforce, especially in rural and suburban areas. A dog off leash may have escaped or may not have a permanent home.

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Collin Collin

What to do if you lose or find a lost cat.

Have you ever felt the intensity of losing a cat? It can be frightening when an indoor cat gets lost outside or if your outdoor cat doesn't come home.  We’ve put together some critical steps you can do to help bring your beloved feline back home. We also have included what to do when you find a cat. One thing to always keep in mind is the one sure proof of ownership is microchipping. If that is not possible, always keep current photos of your cat along with vet records for proof of ownership.

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Collin Collin

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats

Our pets are like us in many ways, including developing diseases like diabetes. Diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions in humans and is also seeing a rise in cats and dogs. More than 37 million Americans have type 2 diabetes but in dogs and cats, it is about 1 in 300. Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the pancreas, a small but vital organ. When your pet cannot use sugar (glucose) effectively to control the sugar in the blood, diabetes mellitus occurs.

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Collin Collin

Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is something that was almost unheard of 20 years ago. Even if it was around, who would buy it anyway? Times have changed, with pet insurance being more popular than ever, and with more options available every day. Actually, pet insurance was started back in 1890! At that time, it was mostly for cattle, horses, and livestock. The first dog insured wasn't until 1924 in Sweden. The first U.S. dog insured was, of course, Lassie, the star of her own TV show.

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Collin Collin

Indoor Winter Activities for Your Pet

It’s the time of year for snow, ice, and freezing days. While we may appreciate the chance to go sledding and building snowmen, our pets outside time gets limited. It can also mean a lot of time cooped up together looking for new things to do. It’s important to remain active during the winter months for your pets mental and physical well being.

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Collin Collin

Transform Your Dog Walks into Perfect Outings with Funky Bunch Pet Care in Springfield and Sedalia, MO

Walking your dog can be a relaxing and beneficial time for both you and your pooch. This includes stronger muscles, healthier bones and lower blood pressure for you. In dogs, dog walking has been shown to reduce obesity, and mentally stimulates your dog as well. With a few simple considerations, you can avoid potential hazards and common mistakes. We’ve put together a checklist of things to consider before you head out on a walk with your dog.

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Collin Collin

Should you hire a pet sitter or board your dog?

Ask yourself where you prefer to spend the night; a hotel or the comfort of your own home and bed? Put yourself in your pet’s place and envision where they would be most comfortable. Just like us humans, our pets have their own personalities and preferences. 

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Collin Collin

Finding a Springfield Groomer

Googling pet groomers in Springfield brings up a long list, so how do you know who to choose?  Start by asking friends and family for any recommendations and have an idea of what you want before you start your search.  Does your pet simply need a bath to get the dirt off and get them smelling so fresh or do they need a haircut? Maybe your pet has skin allergies or other skin complications and you need to find a pet esthetician or you enjoy giving them a bath at a self-service dog wash.

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Collin Collin

Springfield Veterinarians

As a pet parent, you know how crucial it is to have a veterinarian you know, like, and trust. Your fur babies are family and you want a vet who knows that too. Springfield is blessed to have many qualified, highly reviewed, and reputable veterinarians. Check the vet’s credentials for licensing in your state. A DVM is a doctor of veterinary medicine. A RVT is a registered veterinary technician who assists a licensed veterinarian in lab tests, medicine application, surgeries and other health related procedures.

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Collin Collin

Dog Training in and Around Springfield, MO

Dog training can conjure up a lot of different images: from learning “sit” and “stay” to advanced problem solving and agility work. Taking your dog “to the trainer” has a lot more tied up in it than we often suspect. Training not only benefits the dog; it helps ensure his welfare. It will help protect him from danger and give him a strong bond with you. The better behaved your dog is, the more places he can go with you and with less stress on both of you. Training will help you better understand your dog and his needs, making you a better owner. 

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Collin Collin

Keeping Your Cat Off Counters

Cats are curious by nature. They also like high places. It’s in their DNA and stems from instincts to protect themselves. The higher up they are, the more they can see the world below them, and feel safer. Plus, cats are tree climbing creatures. Early cats were hunters and climbed trees for safety, or to lay in wait for prey. Kitchen counters hold a lot of interesting things and they smell good. Your cat likes to jump from place to place, so the counter is alluring to them.

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Collin Collin

Bathing Your Dog

Does your dog like baths? It’s a common stress of many dog owners. While people often think the fear comes from water, even dogs who love to swim may be skittish around the bathtub. For some dogs, it’s the loss of control and feeling helpless. For others, it may trigger memories of a bad experience, the dog may not like being handled, or confined to a small space.

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