New Puppy? Now what?
We recently cared for a sweet Corgi puppy that was going to be a surprise Christmas gift. Many people get a puppy as a gift for Christmas and if you did, congratulations! Taking responsibility for a new puppy is very rewarding but does have its challenges. We have compiled a list to help you be equipped to provide the best life for you and your new pup. These tips not only apply to new puppies but also to any new adopted dog in your life.
Protect Your Dog This Winter
The official start of Winter is only a few days away! As we bundle up to keep warm, make sure your dog is well protected too.
2021 Springfield, MO Pet Friendly Restaurants
Going out to grab a coffee or get dinner can be the best part of the day, so why not share those moments with our furry friends? When deciding on where to eat out with your pet, there are several things you should consider for both you and your pup!
Pet Friendly Holiday Recipes
With the holidays here, we can look forward to tasty, delicious home-cooked meals: turkey, mashed potatoes, casseroles, and pies galore. With all this great food, why not share the wealth with our pets? Below are some delicious and nutritious recipes for our pets that’ll fill your house with purring kittens and wagging tails, and maybe help get rid of all of those Holiday leftovers!
Holiday Traveling with Your Pet
As the holidays are upon us, thinking of traveling with your beloved pet can pose some serious considerations. Let’s look into a few of these to get you started.
Halloween Safety
Hard to believe that Halloween is this weekend! There are plenty of things to do and the weather looks like it will at least be somewhat cooperative. While it can be a great time to celebrate with friends and family, there are several precautions we need to take when accounting for our furry family members.
Caution with Retractable Leashes
Picking the right leash for your dog is an essential part of ownership. A leash is more than just something to keep them close to you, it’s a two way communication device. It builds trust and confidence between you and your dog. It is also something you’re likely to have for years and years. So it’s a choice that should be done with a lot of thought and consideration.
Destructive Chewing
Does your dog chew everything? If they do, you’re not alone. Chewing is totally normal behavior for a puppy as they explore their surroundings. Chewing helps young dogs relieve pain from incoming teeth. Older dogs still need to chew as a way to keep their jaws strong and teeth clean. Regardless of age, chewing is a way for your dog to prevent themselves from becoming bored and relieve anxiety or frustration.
Getting to Know ‘Retrieving Freedom’
Retrieving Freedom is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to training service dogs to help people. Their primary focuses are training dogs to serve the needs of Veterans and children with Autism. We’re proud to have them in Sedalia and the impact they’re having on the Nation.
Springfield, Mo Services
When we started pet sitting 10 years ago, we were running our business at the edge of our seats. We had no clue what we were doing or that a decade later we’d still be doing it. Growing our services in Sedalia, MO has been yet another whirlwind of lessons and blessings. Part of those lessons has been how we envision Funky Bunch Pet Care looking for the next decade. For us, that means continuing service in Sedalia while also expanding services to new areas that need quality pet care in Missouri.
Fall Activities for You and Your Dog
We are quickly approaching the first day of Fall (September 22nd). With that comes not just cooler weather and beautiful trees, but also many activities you can do with your dog! As always, call ahead to any place you visit to make sure they still allow dogs or are open for the times you’re interested in attending. Here are 5 great things to try this fall.
Why we got started in pet care.
We started pet sitting as a way to earn extra income 10 years ago. We were attending Texas Tech University (TTU) in Lubbock, TX and had been married for all of 4 months before we realized we needed help getting our finances in order. After attending 'Financial Peace University' we started taking care of pets! After 10 years, we're learned and grown so much, but it's just the start!
Happy Cat Month!
Our feline friends hold a very special place in our hearts. Often overlooked and sometimes forgotten, we care deeply about their physical and mental well being. September is the purrr-fect month to celebrate our felines and make them happy! Below are 10 things you can do this month to better connect with your cat and keep them healthy.
Grieving the loss of a pet
There are a few moments in life that really knock the wind from your sails. One of them is definitely the death of a pet. No matter the length of time they’re with us, we are left wholly changed when they leave. Whether it was unexpected, or a planned passing, the grief is still very real and something we are left searching for answers and meaning for a longtime.
Babies and Dogs
Fewer things are more adorable than seeing a baby interacting with a puppy or a dog. These ‘melt your heart’ moments are the things many parents, grandparents, and friends, intentionally try to make for photo opportunities. Unfortunately, these scenarios can actually be rather dangerous and place both the baby, and dog, in unnecessarily stressful situations. Your dog will face an overwhelming number of novel sights, sounds, and smells with the introduction of a baby. It may be a difficult time for your dog, especially if he or she has been the “only child” for a while.
What to look for in a house sitter?
Have you ever needed to travel but didn’t know how to make sure everything was taken care of at your house? Getting a house sitter may be your best option. Not all house sitters are the same, and building a good relationship with one is the best way to ensure you have peace of mind while you’re away. Your home, animals, plants, and property, shouldn’t be left to just anyone. An hour of research and messaging will be very beneficial.
The Missouri State Fair and Your Pet
The Missouri State Fair is a wonderful place to experience some of the best things Missouri has to offer! This year is no exception. Starting today through August 23rd, there will be nonstop events, rides, exhibitions, and funnel cake. An estimated 300,000 people are expected to find their way into Sedalia over that time. Unfortunately, when it comes to being pet friendly, the State Fair has a long way to go.
5 Tips for Taking Great Photos of Your Pet
Your pet does adorable things all the time! Most of us wish we had more photos of them just being themselves. We get asked a lot about how we capture the photos we send as updates to clients, and what magic we use to take them. The truth is, getting a good photo of your pet isn’t as difficult as it may seem. While it does take a tiny amount of skill, the really important part is patience. We’ll break down 5 of our best tips to make sure you get the best photo possible.
Exploring the Diversity of Dog Walks with Funky Bunch Pet Care in Springfield and Sedalia, MO
Walks are not the same for each dog or even for different activities. Depending on the goals you have for your dog, the care they need, plus their age and breed, as well as weather conditions, the walk can be tailored to fit all sorts of needs. Walks provide many benefits beyond just physical exercise and stimulation. There is also mental stimulation from being exposed to new scents and scenarios, and then there is also the benefit of continued leash training reinforcement and working on new commands.
What to do if your pet gets lost
Our front yard seems to be a haven for stray pets. We found another pup in our front yard yesterday! Thankfully, we returned him safely to his owner. Having a pet run out an open door, escape through a fence, or jerk the leash out of your hand is one of the scariest things a pet owner can go through. Whatever the reason, there are a few things you can do to recover quickly.