Active Dog Month

Did you know April is Active Dog Month? It’s all about enjoying spring and getting active with your furry best friend! Created in 2018, Active Dog Month strives to get dog owners motivated to shake off the winter blues. We get a bit bored after freezing all winter and April brings the warm temperatures we need to get outside!

What do I need to get active with my dog?

It’s easy to get started; all you need is a good fitting collar/harness and a leash! Before you hit the trails, read our blog about walking your dog safely. Walking your dog is beneficial for you and your pup, as it helps with getting good sleep, reduces stress, helps avoid weight issues, and increases longevity. Walking also engages your dog’s brains by providing mental stimulation and helps keep their nails nice and smooth, resulting in less frequent nail trims.

Where should we begin?

If Winter made you a bit sluggish, then take it slow and aim for a daily 10 minute walk. It doesn’t take much to feel the benefits and once you and your dog get used to it, you can increase the duration, increase the speed, or add elevation! At first, stay in your neighborhood, so you can get home quickly in case of an emergency.

If walks aren’t always an option, there are plenty of other options!

Play frisbee

Frisbee is a fun game that gets your dog running!

Play fetch

Fetch is always fun, if you have a dog that remembers to bring it back each time!

If your dog is a bit obsessed with fetch, the iFetch may be the perfect gadget. You set the launch distance from 10-40 feet and can teach them to stand behind it when dropping the ball in. Once they grab it, encourage them to bring it back.

Learn nose work

Nose work can be done indoors or outdoors. Gather some smelly treats, like bacon, pieces of lunch meat, or small chunks of cheese. Puppy Leaks has a wonderful walkthrough on how to teach your dog basic nosework here. Looking for more ideas to stay active? Check out our blog on indoor activities

Have a goal in mind

Setting a goal for your dog is great for tracking their progress and giving them something to work towards. It could be ‘miles walked’, ‘days active’, or ‘hours of play’ for the month. Another fun goal would be to meet up with other dog owners for ‘group play’ dates and socialization

Need help getting active with your dog or worried your long days at work will impact their activity? We’re here to help. 


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