Should you hire a pet sitter or board your dog?

Ask yourself where you prefer to spend the night; a hotel or the comfort of your own home and bed? Put yourself in your pet’s place and envision where they would be most comfortable. Just like us humans, our pets have their own personalities and preferences. 

When traveling or working, some pet owners believe they should board their pets at a facility. However, this is not always the best solution. Many pets, especially those that are elderly or become stressed in new environments, are much more comfortable in their own home, surrounded by their own belongings and smells. 

Some boarding facilities may not be able to accommodate the care requirements for your pets, especially if you have specific medication schedules, intravenous medications, or a very specialized feeding regime. If you have multiple pets, boarding can become cost prohibitive and transporting multiple pets can become cumbersome as well. By having your pet sitter come to your home and provide care in your pet’s environment, they’re better able to meet the pet’s needs and keep them as comfortable as possible.

Boarding is also not typically an option for pets including fish, birds, spiders, snakes, and rabbits.

Pet Sitting (In your home):

Hiring a pet sitter means an experienced professional makes scheduled visits to your house to care for your pet(s) while you’re away.

Services provided:

Care for pets:

  • Give lots of love 

  • Feed and water

  • Walks

  • Playtime

  • Administer medications

Care for house:

  • Check the mail/bring in packages

  • Turn on lights

  • Water plants

Provide updates with photos

Advantages of a pet sitter:

One of the best things about hiring a professional pet sitter is that while you are away, your pets remain in the comfort of their own home while receiving the optimal amount of care and attention. This means your pets will stay on their eating, exercise, and potty routine. Staying at home greatly reduces the risk for exposure to illness such as Parvo, Bordetella, or any other transmissible diseases. Also, your pet is able to get direct, individualized attention, ensuring they are getting the maximum amount of love, cuddles, and play!

Your pet sitter will follow your specific care instructions for each pet, bring in your mail, and even water your plants. You can have the sitter work on training tasks, play games with your pets, or complete minor grooming services to keep your pets looking, feeling, and acting their best. Not only does your pet stay on their schedule and in the comfort of their own home, but the sitter will also ensure the safety and security of your home. Additionally, if your pet is something other than a cat or dog (i.e. something that cannot be boarded, like fish), this is the perfect solution for you.

Disadvantages of a pet sitter:

There are not many disadvantages to hiring a pet sitter but it can be a little more costly than boarding, and your pets need to be friendly and welcoming to guests coming in the house. If your pet has separation anxiety or will resource guard their space, start early with a pet sitter before you have to leave so there is time to work on proper behaviors. Or, partner with a trainer to address serious concerns.

Pet boarding:

Pet boarding facilities, such as Veterinarian offices or pet hotels, are places that board several dogs or cats from different families. They provide a social setting with other pets and caretakers. Many facilities have specific rules or regulations in place, and sometimes provide round the clock care.

Services provided:

  • Provide care and love

  • Feed and water

  • Bathroom breaks

  • Socialization (additional charge)

  • Administer medications

Advantages of boarding:

Boarding kennels will keep your pet in strong kennels and pens that offer protection and security. This is particularly important if your pet doesn’t get along with other animals, or has severe, destructive, separation anxiety. Although many pets are kept on boarding kennel grounds at the same time, trained staff members provide constant oversight and monitoring to prevent incidents. Boarding facilities may offer playtime where your pet can socialize with other animals and people to offer an enriching experience. Boarding facilities are typically less expensive, making it a better option if money is a factor, or if you want your dog to socialize with other dogs for playtime.

Disadvantages of boarding:

For sensitive or anxious pets, going to an unfamiliar kennel or a private room can cause anxiety, which can lead to behavioral issues. The noises of other dogs barking, cats meowing, and voices of unfamiliar caretakers, can disrupt your pet’s sleep, eating, and bathroom cycle. Although kennel staff do their best to gauge the temperaments of the pets they serve, certain situations and animal pairings can cause problems. Even with constant monitoring, fights may occur between animals when they are in the daycare or play activity areas. Therefore, boarding at a kennel comes with the risk of injury if your pet gets into a scuffle.

Your pet could get an illness or disease from another pet, even if vaccination records are required. With so many animals to care for in a single day, it is possible for kennel staff to mix up food, toys, and blankets between pets. Although this rarely causes problems, there is a risk of stomach upset from the food change. If you have several pets, you may not be able to transport them to the facility in one trip.

We provide pet sitting and dog walking in your home so your pet can be as comfortable as possible. We’d love to talk with you about whether pet sitting visits are a good fit for you and your pets.


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