Keeping Your Dog Hydrated
Dehydration is no laughing matter. Just as in humans, staying well hydrated is critical to the health and wellbeing of your dog. Water regulates your dog’s body temperature, aids digestion, waste removal, and muscle and nerve function. It also helps fight bad breath! Your dog should take in about 1 cup of water per 10 pounds of body weight.
Crate Training
When people discuss crate training, they often think it’s not for them, they know it’s something they should try, or they tried it once and it didn’t work out. Some may also have misconceptions about what it is and why they would find it beneficial. Crate training is not forcing your dog into the crate and then leaving them there for hours at a time. This actually does much more harm than good, both psychologically and physically. It is also traumatizing to you, the owner.
What is House Sitting?
We recognize that not every pet is able to be boarded, and sometimes drop-in visits just are not enough. Whatever the reason, house sitting may be the solution you need. House sitting is when the pet sitter comes to your home and stays overnight with your pet. Many sitters will still leave during the day, just as you would while going to work, and return in the evening. This helps keep the routine of your pet intact while you’re away.
We like to put our name on things that are ours, usually in permanent marker or pencil. Not a big deal. It’s a different story when our dog puts their name on something, with urine. Marking can be very annoying and destructive to your belongings and home. Before you stress too much or begin the next few tips, take your dog to the veterinarian to rule out any medical causes for the urine-marking behavior. If they get a clean bill of health, use the following tips to make sure they don't start marking their territory.
Fireworks and Pet Safety
July 4th is right around the corner! While many of us will be celebrating with grilled foods, friends and family, our furry family members might not be as excited about it. Fourth of July and New Year’s are when most pets go missing. Fireworks are a major driving factor of pets getting scared and running away. Thankfully, there are precautions owners can take to ensure their pets have a safe and happy celebration.
Keeping your dog safe this summer
Summer is in full swing, and with that comes needing to keep our pets safe in the heat. Summer is a great time to be outdoors and to have fun with friends, family, and our dogs. It also means we need to be more vigilant for signs of heat stress and heat exhaustion. While you may be ready for longer walks in the park, hikes, or bike rides, your pup may not be conditioned or ready for that.
Adopting a Cat
We focus on dogs a lot, but that doesn’t mean the Funky Feline Bunch isn't just as important to us! The right cat with the right owner is a relationship and bond that will last up to 20 years. Because of the longevity of some cats, bringing one into your life isn’t something to rush into. Too often an adorable kitten is picked up on a whim, only to be dropped off months later because they grew and weren’t getting the attention they needed.
Puzzles and Games
Are you concerned about separation anxiety or general uneasiness with your pet when you leave? Mental stimulation is key for a happy and healthy lifestyle for your pet. Not only do puzzles and games provide mental exercise but also some physical exercise and dexterity improvements. Providing a few puzzles or toy options for your pet decreases anxiety and boredom, which can lead to decreased destructive behaviors. It also helps release pent-up energy during the day.
Separation Anxiety?
We have been noticing a trend in dogs recently, and not a good one. 2020 saw us all staying home more, and with our pets almost 24/7. While this was a wonderful time for bonding, and our dogs definitely loved it, now that we are out more, our dogs are left at home alone and confused. We’ve been seeing an increase in signs of separation anxiety in pets, both young and old. While it may seem adorable that your dog wants to always be around you and whines when you leave, separation anxiety is no joke and definitely impacts both your and your pets quality of life.
Podcasts for Pet Owners
We LOVE podcasts. They’re audio shows you can listen to whenever you want. There’s a podcast for pretty much everything and everyone. Because we know you’re a pet lover, we wanted to recommend some of our favorite podcasts for pet lovers! You can listen to podcasts from your computer, or from one of the many podcast players for your phone. If you need a specific recommendation, let us know!
Lyme Disease Prevention Month
Celebrated every May, Lyme Disease Prevention Month is something that benefits both humans and our pets. Lyme Disease, or Lyme borreliosis, is a bacterial infection transmitted by certain species of ticks. An infection that impacts specific organs and joints, it can lead to lifelong illness. While not particularly common in Missouri, it has been growing in prevalence in recent years.
The Meet and Greet
We have a simple process of getting to know you and your pet. We believe trust starts with open communication. Over the years, we have found the best way to start that is with an in-person Meet and Greet. While not always possible, due to pandemics and emergencies, we absolutely stand by them as part of our process. Our free, 30-minute Meet and Greet is a great way to learn more about each other!
First Aid
Knowing pet first aid and CPR can feel overwhelming, as there is a lot of information to know. However, starting with the basics and focusing on one skill at a time will help ensure you are prepared for an emergency, as well as being able to share what you know with others. This post discusses some of those skills and what to have in a first aid kit, whether you purchase one or build it yourself.
Heart Worm Prevention
April is Heartworm Prevention Month! It’s a huge topic in pet care, but many may not think about the potential impact on their pets quality of life. Heartworms are insidious in that many pets go a very long time without showing any symptoms. All the while, they are shedding juvenile heartworms and having ever increasing damage to their heart.
Poop Scooping
Poop is something every pet owner has to deal with. Unfortunately, there are some misconceptions about poop and the need to clean it up. Picking up our pets poop has many benefits for not only our pets, but also for ourselves and our community. This week creates awareness of the importance of scooping your pet’s waste and disposing of it properly.
Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Pet Sitter or Dog Walker in Springfield and Sedalia, MO, with Funky Bunch Pet Care
Hiring a pet sitter or dog walker is a very personal decision. You want someone who loves your pet as much as you do. A professional pet sitter will work with you to ensure you are getting exactly what you and your pet need. You should definitely meet your sitter and ask them questions to get to know them and see if they’ll be a good fit. This is a list of the top 5 questions to ask your pet sitter or dog walker before you hire them.
Foods to avoid with your pet
Who could possibly resist those adorable eyes, begging for a bite of your food, or for scraps from the dinner table. It takes nerves of steel to deny them, it’s definitely hard. However, refraining from feeding your pet people food may very well be one of the most effective ways to keep your pet healthy and well. Not only for proper weight and nutrition, but also because people's food can be seriously toxic to our fur babies.
What is a drop-in visit?
There are a lot of services available when it comes to caring for your pet. An often overlooked, yet extremely important and flexible option for many pet owners is the drop-in visit. When traveling, most pet owners believe that they must take their pets somewhere to board. However, this is not always the best solution for your pet.
Why hire a professional pet sitter?
Hiring someone is always a big deal. There is plenty to worry about and take into consideration. This is even more so when hiring someone to take care of your pet. Pets are part of the family. It’s like hiring someone to take care of a child! So when it comes to finding the right person to care for your pet, there are many things you should look for.
House Plants to Avoid
House plants are loved for filtering our air and their beautiful colors and flowers when in full bloom. We look to plants as a way to bring peace and tranquility to our hectic days. Unfortunately, house plants do not bring the same joy and sense of peace to all of our household members. Many common house plants are toxic to both cats and dogs.