Podcasts for Pet Owners


We LOVE podcasts. They’re audio shows you can listen to whenever you want. There’s a podcast for pretty much everything and everyone. Because we are pet lovers (and know you are too!), we wanted to recommend some of our favorite podcasts for pet lovers!

You can listen to podcasts from your computer, or from one of the many podcast players from your phone. If you need a specific recommendation, let us know!

Why listen to podcasts?

Podcasts can be educational, funny, inspiring, or motivational. They’re an awesome place to get resources for being a better pet parent, learn about the latest in pet news, or just laugh at the antics of others. If you find the radio boring, or just need something more specific and engaging, podcasts are pre-recorded and can be listened to anytime.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there, meaning you’re guaranteed to find something that fits your tastes and needs.

Which do we recommend?

Given the huge amount of options out there, it can be overwhelming at finding something for you. So we wanted to give you a head start and start listening today!

1. iWoof Podcasts by Dr. Dunbar

Starting out our list is Dr. Dunbar’s iWoof Podcasts. This podcast is great for the dog owner who simply has too many questions. It talks about anything from the adoption process to socialization, games or behavioral training.

2. Can I Pet Your Dog?

If you’re just simply looking for a fun, quirky podcast about why we love dogs, then Can I Pet Your Dog? might be the right one. Dog owners Renee Colvert and Alexis Preston talk about the dogs they’ve met and the newest canine-related events.

3. In Dog We Trust

In Dog We Trust is a collection of stories that highlights the lives of animal owners, including dogs. The tone is very lighthearted and funny for a favorable listening experience. 

4. It’s a Doggy Dog World

Recalling their own personal experiences, the three owners behind It’s a Doggy Dog World talk about dog matters such as but not limited to training, health problems, housetraining and living with an older dog. 

5. Discover Your Dog

Do you ever wonder what your dog thinks of you? Discover Your Dog is a podcast for those who want to know how to improve their relationship with their dog through better communication. Dog trainer Bennie Copeland also looks at various training myths and tricks.

There are just 5 of our favorites, but honestly this list could have 20 or more. If you have something specific you’d like to listen to, we probably have something to recommend! 


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