Celebrating New Year’s With Your Furry Friends: Tips for a Safe and Joyful Experience

As we gear up to welcome the New Year, it’s important to remember that our festive celebrations can be overwhelming for our furry family members. The loud noises, bright lights, and unusual activities associated with New Year’s Eve can often cause stress and anxiety in dogs and cats. In this blog post, we'll share some valuable tips to ensure your pets stay calm, safe, and happy as you ring in the new year.

1. Create a Comfortable and Secure Environment:

  • For Dogs: Set up a quiet, comfortable space in a room away from the noise. Include their favorite bed, toys, and a piece of clothing with your scent for comfort.

  • For Cats: Ensure they have access to their favorite hiding spots. Cats often feel safer in elevated areas, so consider setting up a cozy perch.

2. Distract and Calm with Toys and Treats:

  • Chew Toys for Dogs: These can be a great way to keep them occupied and reduce stress.

  • Interactive Toys for Cats: Encourage play with toys that stimulate their hunting instincts.

3. Consider Calming Aids:

4. Secure the Perimeter:

  • Ensure all doors, windows, and gates are secure to prevent scared pets from escaping.

  • Microchip and ID Tags: Make sure your pet’s microchip information is up-to-date and that they wear a collar with ID tags.

5. Stick to Their Routine:

  • Maintain regular feeding, walking, and playtimes. Familiar routines can be reassuring for pets.

6. Be Aware of Decorations and Harmful Substances:

  • Keep festive decorations, especially those that are small or shiny, out of reach.

  • Be mindful of foods and drinks that are toxic to pets, like chocolate and alcohol.

New Year’s Eve can still be a fun and memorable occasion for you and your pets. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that the celebrations are enjoyable and stress-free for everyone in the family. Let's welcome the New Year with love and care for our beloved pets!

If you need extra help with your pet while you’re away, get in contact with us about how we can help.


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